5 New Year Resolutions for Business Growth
(1) I will claim my bragging rights.
No more needless apologies or excuses. No more “This is probably a dumb question, but...” or, “I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but...”
(2) I will step outside my comfort zone with at least one marketing program.
I’m considering direct mail, google adwords...and maybe podcasting. Forecast: a wild ride head.
(3) I will listen to my intuition more, even when I’m learning from the most brilliant, wealthy, powerful gurus on the planet.
Everyone is wrong every so often. Or they’re wrong for your particular situation. Or they’re having a bad day.
Here’s an exercise. Review your strategies. What’s worked best to bring clients, money, or success? I bet each one has a touch of serendipity and/or your own intuition. See http://www.cathygoodwin.com/intuitionbook.html
(4) I will take at least one piece of business advice that I resist (maybe it seems counter-intuitive) and see what happens.
When I first learned about copywriting, I resisted the idea of promoting myself. On a smaller but significant scale, I resisted buying a book of phrases for copywriting and using a headline generator. Now I can’t imagine life without both those tools: tiny steps with huge impact.
Of course, if someone suggests you sell all your possessions and move to a tent in Idaho, I would say no. Sometimes you’re resisting for a really, really good reason.
(5) I will honor what I need to stay energized and motivated.
What do you need for yourself? Music? Exercise? Live performances? Movies?
What chunks of time work best? I find if I steal a whole day or a full afternoon, I return energized and ready to take on most any challenge. The dog goes to daycare. She returns ready for a long, long nap, which frees me up to act on those challenges: a true win-win.
Some of my colleagues and friends prefer to work non-stop for weeks and even months, then take a complete vacation.
(1) I will claim my bragging rights.
No more needless apologies or excuses. No more “This is probably a dumb question, but...” or, “I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but...”
(2) I will step outside my comfort zone with at least one marketing program.
I’m considering direct mail, google adwords...and maybe podcasting. Forecast: a wild ride head.
(3) I will listen to my intuition more, even when I’m learning from the most brilliant, wealthy, powerful gurus on the planet.
Everyone is wrong every so often. Or they’re wrong for your particular situation. Or they’re having a bad day.
Here’s an exercise. Review your strategies. What’s worked best to bring clients, money, or success? I bet each one has a touch of serendipity and/or your own intuition. See http://www.cathygoodwin.com/intuitionbook.html
(4) I will take at least one piece of business advice that I resist (maybe it seems counter-intuitive) and see what happens.
When I first learned about copywriting, I resisted the idea of promoting myself. On a smaller but significant scale, I resisted buying a book of phrases for copywriting and using a headline generator. Now I can’t imagine life without both those tools: tiny steps with huge impact.
Of course, if someone suggests you sell all your possessions and move to a tent in Idaho, I would say no. Sometimes you’re resisting for a really, really good reason.
(5) I will honor what I need to stay energized and motivated.
What do you need for yourself? Music? Exercise? Live performances? Movies?
What chunks of time work best? I find if I steal a whole day or a full afternoon, I return energized and ready to take on most any challenge. The dog goes to daycare. She returns ready for a long, long nap, which frees me up to act on those challenges: a true win-win.
Some of my colleagues and friends prefer to work non-stop for weeks and even months, then take a complete vacation.
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