Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Business Ideas Made Easy - Utilizing Creativity & Flow for Profitable New Ideas


Flow is the state that we naturally enter when we are completely engaged in the moment. It is a state of complete attention/ease/involvement/focus. Flow is the state of timelessness and effortlessness. Questions allow you to enter the flow state by becoming totally immersed in what is passionate for you.


Creative ideas spring from a combination of circumstances. When you ask for guidance, answers appear. When you allow TIME to turn inward and listen to your deepest longings, you tap into a wellspring of inspiration. When you ask heart-filled questions you begin to receive answers. I like to think of creativity as asking questions and then clearing a space for the divine to work through me.

I want you to think about your creative ideas. Think of a time when you came up with a great idea! It may have been an invention, an educational tool, a book idea, a song lyric or a business idea. Then ask yourself how many times that idea flowed through your mind. People usually say they thought about the new idea between five times to as many as hundreds of times. Next, ask yourself if you actually took the new creative idea, pursued it and created something from it. I see only about 10% of people who received a creative idea actually see it through from beginning to end.

Now, ask yourself if you saw YOUR same idea IN ACTION (being sold, used, sung, written about) within a 5 year period of time. Typically all my clients answer a resounding... "Yes!!!" Someone had take your idea and became rich or famous from the idea.

God gives us divine ideas. Spirit will continue to plant that idea in your mind several times. Only when He’s certain that YOU won’t follow through with this gift does God/Spirit give the gift to someone else who WILL create and make it real!!!! Let’s get the message the first time, or at least the second or third. If we don’t create it, someone else will.


Flow is the state that we naturally enter when we are completely engaged in the moment. It is a state of complete attention/ease/involvement/focus. Flow is the state of timelessness and effortlessness. Questions allow you to enter the flow state by becoming totally immersed in what is passionate for you.


Creative ideas spring from a combination of circumstances. When you ask for guidance, answers appear. When you allow TIME to turn inward and listen to your deepest longings, you tap into a wellspring of inspiration. When you ask heart-filled questions you begin to receive answers. I like to think of creativity as asking questions and then clearing a space for the divine to work through me.

I want you to think about your creative ideas. Think of a time when you came up with a great idea! It may have been an invention, an educational tool, a book idea, a song lyric or a business idea. Then ask yourself how many times that idea flowed through your mind. People usually say they thought about the new idea between five times to as many as hundreds of times. Next, ask yourself if you actually took the new creative idea, pursued it and created something from it. I see only about 10% of people who received a creative idea actually see it through from beginning to end.

Now, ask yourself if you saw YOUR same idea IN ACTION (being sold, used, sung, written about) within a 5 year period of time. Typically all my clients answer a resounding... "Yes!!!" Someone had take your idea and became rich or famous from the idea.

God gives us divine ideas. Spirit will continue to plant that idea in your mind several times. Only when He’s certain that YOU won’t follow through with this gift does God/Spirit give the gift to someone else who WILL create and make it real!!!! Let’s get the message the first time, or at least the second or third. If we don’t create it, someone else will.