Four Ways To Profitably Use The Most Powerful Two Words In The English Language
Words have power because they convey ideas and sentiments. The topics of this article are the sentiment of gratitude and appreciation and the words that convey these sentiments are "thank you."
Let's look at some ways you can use "thank you" to increase your business profits and to build better relationships.
Use Number 1: The Thank You Note.
How often do you receive thank you notes from clients, suppliers, business associate, your boss or any of the other people that you conduct business with? I would guess that it is rare. On the odd occasion that it happens I'm sure that it makes a big impression on you.
Here are some variations of the thank you note theme.
You have a business meeting. Send a short note thanking each participant for their time and point out some contribution that they made that you found interesting or valuable. You can do this easily in an email, which is good, but far better is a written note. If you hand address the envelope it further increases the impact.
I have won many difficult clients and succeeded in many difficult business negotiations by using a simple thank you note.
Use Number 2: A Thank You To Your Staff.
Most bosses are quick to criticize and slow to praise. One businessman that I know personally told me "why should I praise my staff for doing a good job? After all, that's what they're paid for."
It is true that your staff is paid to do a good job, but you will find that in most cases they will gladly go the extra mile if they feel that their efforts are appreciated.
Use Number 3: If You Are Being Criticized.
Most people receive criticism from time to time in their life. Sometimes the criticism is justified and at other times it is not. But the good negotiator will generally handle criticism in the same way whether it is valid or unjust.
He will say something along the lines of; "you know, now that I see it from that point of view I think you could be right. Thank you for bringing it to my attention."
In most cases the effect is dramatic. The aggressor will suddenly feel uncomfortable and to ease their own discomfort they will start to downplay the criticism. Quite often they will say that they could have been over reacting and then they will defend the very person they were criticizing.
Use Number 4: A thank you, in advance, to produce good service.
Thank your service supplier for the service that they are currently giving you and tell them that you really appreciate it. There's a better than 90% chance that the next time you have dealings with that person that their service will be twice as good. Your thank you produces the very quality of service that is worth being thanked for.
Those a just a few simple ways that you can use thank you effectively in the business world. Why not write a list of ways you could use thank you to improve your situations. Don't just restrict it to business either. A thank you goes a long way in your personal relationships too.
Words have power because they convey ideas and sentiments. The topics of this article are the sentiment of gratitude and appreciation and the words that convey these sentiments are "thank you."
Let's look at some ways you can use "thank you" to increase your business profits and to build better relationships.
Use Number 1: The Thank You Note.
How often do you receive thank you notes from clients, suppliers, business associate, your boss or any of the other people that you conduct business with? I would guess that it is rare. On the odd occasion that it happens I'm sure that it makes a big impression on you.
Here are some variations of the thank you note theme.
You have a business meeting. Send a short note thanking each participant for their time and point out some contribution that they made that you found interesting or valuable. You can do this easily in an email, which is good, but far better is a written note. If you hand address the envelope it further increases the impact.
I have won many difficult clients and succeeded in many difficult business negotiations by using a simple thank you note.
Use Number 2: A Thank You To Your Staff.
Most bosses are quick to criticize and slow to praise. One businessman that I know personally told me "why should I praise my staff for doing a good job? After all, that's what they're paid for."
It is true that your staff is paid to do a good job, but you will find that in most cases they will gladly go the extra mile if they feel that their efforts are appreciated.
Use Number 3: If You Are Being Criticized.
Most people receive criticism from time to time in their life. Sometimes the criticism is justified and at other times it is not. But the good negotiator will generally handle criticism in the same way whether it is valid or unjust.
He will say something along the lines of; "you know, now that I see it from that point of view I think you could be right. Thank you for bringing it to my attention."
In most cases the effect is dramatic. The aggressor will suddenly feel uncomfortable and to ease their own discomfort they will start to downplay the criticism. Quite often they will say that they could have been over reacting and then they will defend the very person they were criticizing.
Use Number 4: A thank you, in advance, to produce good service.
Thank your service supplier for the service that they are currently giving you and tell them that you really appreciate it. There's a better than 90% chance that the next time you have dealings with that person that their service will be twice as good. Your thank you produces the very quality of service that is worth being thanked for.
Those a just a few simple ways that you can use thank you effectively in the business world. Why not write a list of ways you could use thank you to improve your situations. Don't just restrict it to business either. A thank you goes a long way in your personal relationships too.
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