Saturday, March 24, 2007

How Do I Know If I've Been Bugged?

Are you a potential target?

1. If eavesdropping on anything you say, write, or do could increase someone else's wealth or influence, then the answer is yes, you are a potential target.

2. Others know your confidential business or professional trade secrets.

This is the most obvious indicator of covert eavesdropping activities. Theft of confidential information is a multi-billion dollar underground industry in the United States. Often the loss of your secrets will show up in very subtle ways so you should always trust your instincts in this matter. When your competitors, associates or co-workers know things that are obviously private, or the media finds out about things they should not know, then it is reasonable to suspect technical eavesdropping or bugging.

3. Secret meetings and bids seem to be less than secret.

Confidential meetings and bids are very popular targets for corporate spies. How would you like the plans for the corporate takeovers you're planning to become public knowledge? Would copies of your product designs be of any use to your competitors? Would it be beneficial for your competitors to know how much you're quoting for the same project?

4. People seem to know your activities when they shouldn't.

5. You have noticed strange sounds or volume changes on your phone lines.

This is commonly caused by an amateur eavesdropper when they attach a wiretap, or activate a similar listening device. Surveillance devices often cause slight anomalies on the telephone line such as volume shift or drop-out. Professional eavesdroppers and their equipment usually do not make such noises; so if this is going on it could indicate that an amateur eavesdropper is listening in. On the other hand you could simply be experiencing a flaw in the line, but you should check it out.

6. You have noticed static, popping, or scratching on your phone lines.

This is caused by the capacitive discharge which occurs when two conductors are connected together (such as a bug or wiretap on a phone line). This is also a sign that an amateur eavesdropper or poorly trained spy is playing with your phone lines. It could be nothing more then a problem with your phone line or instrument. However, it should be checked out by using one of our RF Detectors.

7. Sounds are coming from your phones handset when it's hung up.

This is often caused by a hook switch bypass, which turns the telephone receiver into an eavesdropping microphone (and also a speaker). There is probably somebody listening to everything you say or do within twenty feet of the telephone (if this is happening).

8. Your phone often rings and nobody is there, or a very faint tone, or high-pitched squeal/beep is heard for a fraction of a second.

This is an indicator of a slave device, or line extender being used on your phone line. This is also a key indicator of a harmonica bug, or infinity transmitter being used. Of course it may also be nothing more then a fax machine or modem calling the wrong number. However, using one of our Telephone Line Analyzers. should check it out.

9. You can hear a tone on your line when your phone is on the hook (by using an external amplifier). Contact us!

10. Your AM/FM radio has suddenly developed strange interference.

Many amateur and spy shop eavesdropping devices use frequencies within or just outside the FM radio band, these signals tend to drift and will "quiet" an FM radio in the vicinity of the bug. Look for the transmissions at far ends of the FM radio band, and at any quiet area within the FM band. If the radio begins to squeal then slowly move it around the room until the sound become very high pitched. This is referred to as feedback detection or loop detection and will often locate the bug. The "stereo" function should be turned off so the radio is operating in "mono" as this will provide a serious increase in sensitivity. If you find a "squealer" in this manner then immediately Contact us!

11. Your car radio suddenly starts "getting weird"

Keep in mind that the antenna your car radio uses may be (and often is) exploited by an eavesdropper, and that such usage may interfere with radio reception (so be concerned if your automobile radio suddenly starts getting weird).

12. Your television has suddenly developed strange interference.

Television broadcast frequencies are often used to cloak a eavesdropping signal, but such devices also tend to interfere with television reception (usually a UHF channel). Televisions also "suck in" a lot of RF energy and because of this are very sensitive to any nearby transmitters (this is technically called "Bandwidth, and TV signals use a lot of it). Contact us! asap!

13. You have been the victim of a burglary, but nothing was taken.

Professional eavesdroppers often break into a targets home or office, and very rarely leave direct evidence of the break-in; however, occupants of the premises will often "pickup on something not being right" such as the furniture being moved slightly.

14. Electrical wall plates appear to have been moved slightly or "jarred".

One of the most popular locations to hide eavesdropping devices is inside, or behind electrical outlets, switches, smoke alarms, and lighting fixtures. This requires that the wall plates be removed. Look for small amounts of debris located on the floor directly below the electrical outlet. Also, watch for slight variations in the color or appearance of the power outlets and/or light switches as these are often swapped out by an eavesdropper. Also note if any of the screws which hold the wallplate against the wall have been moved from their previous position.

15. A dime-sized discoloration has suddenly appeared on the wall or ceiling.

This is a tell tale sign that a pinhole microphone or small covert video camera has been recently installed.

16. One of your vendors just gave you any type of electronic device such as a desk radio, alarm clock, lamp, small TV, boom box, CD player, and so on.

Many of these "gifts" are actually Trojan horses which contain eavesdropping devices. Be very suspicious of any kind of pen, marker, briefcase, calculator, "post-it" dispenser, power adapter, pager, cell phone, cordless phone, clock, radio, lamp, and so on that is given as a gift. That little gift the salesman left for you may be a serious hazard.

17. A small bump or deformation has appeared on the vinyl baseboard near the floor.

Strong indicator that someone may have concealed covert wiring or a microphone imbedded into the adhesive which holds the molding to the wall. Such deformation will often appear as a color shift, or lightening of the color.

18. The smoke detector, clock, lamp, or exit sign in your office or home looks slightly crooked, has a small hole in the surface, or has a quasi-reflective surface.

These items are very popular concealment for covert eavesdropping devices. Often when these devices are installed at a target location they are rarely installed without small tale-tale clues.

19. Certain types of items have "just appeared" in your office or home, but nobody seems to know how they got there. Typical items to watch for and be aware of are: clocks, exit signs, sprinkler heads, radios, picture frames, and lamps.

20. White dry-wall dust or debris is noticed on the floor next to the wall.

A sign that a pinhole microphone or video camera may have been installed nearby. It will appear as if someone has dropped a small amount of powdered sugar either on the floor, or on the wall.

21. You notice small pieces of ceiling tiles, or "grit" on the floor, or on the surface area of your desk. Also, you may observe a cracked, chipped, or gouged ceiling tiles, or ones that are sagging, or not properly set into the track.

Prime indicator that a ceiling tile has been moved around, and that someone may have installed a hidden video camera or other eavesdropping device in your office or near your desk. Also watch for cracks or chips in the ceiling tiles. Amateur and poorly trained spies tend to crack or damage acoustical tiles. The ceiling tiles in any executive areas should never contain any cracks, nicks, gouges, or stains. Any ceiling tile that becomes damaged (for what ever reason) should immediately be replaced and the cause of the damage documented.

22. You notice that "Phone Company" trucks and utilities workers are spending a lot of time near your home or office doing repair work.

If you see the same or similar vehicles more then three times then you may have a serious problem (at least according to the U.S. State Department training course on counter surveillance).

23. Telephone, cable, plumbing, or air conditioning repair people show up to do work when no one called them.

A very common ruse which eavesdroppers use to get into a facility is to fake a utility outage, and then show up to fix the problem. While they are fixing "the problem" they are also installing eavesdropping devices. Some of the more popular outages involve power, air conditioning, telephone, and even the occasional false fire alarm.

24. Service or delivery trucks are often parked nearby with nobody (you can see) in them.

These vehicles are commonly used as listening posts, be very cautious of any vehicle, which has a ladder or pipe rack on the roof. Also, be wary of any vehicle, which has tinted windows, or an area, which you cannot see though (like a service van). The listening post vehicle could be any vehicle from a small Geo Tracker, Suburban, Blazer, Trooper, or Cargo Van. Look for any vehicle, which could conceal a person in the back or has tinted windows. Also, keep in mind that the eavesdropper may relocate the vehicle several times, so look around. Typically, eavesdroppers like to get within 500-750 feet from the place or person they are eavesdropping on.

25. Your door locks suddenly don't "feel right", they suddenly start to get "sticky", or they completely fail.

Prime evidence that the lock has been picked, manipulated, or bypassed. Try to always use biaxial locks with sidebars (such as ASSA or Medeco). Also, only use double sided deadbolts in all doors, and good quality window bars on all windows, and a good quality door bar on all doors not used as a primary entry doors.

26. Furniture has been moved slightly, and no one knows why.

A very popular location for the installation of eavesdropping device is either behind, or inside furniture (couch, chair, lamp, etc.) People who live or work in a targeted area tend to notice when furnishings have been moved even a fraction of an inch. Pay close attention to the imprint which furniture makes on rugs, and the position of lamps shades. Also watch the distance between furniture and the wall as eavesdroppers are usually in a hurry and rarely put the furniture back in the right place.

27. Things "seem" to have been rummaged through, but nothing is missing (at least that you noticed).

A "less than professional spy" will often rummage through a targets home for hours, but very rarely will they do it in a neat and orderly fashion. The most common "rummaging" targets are the backs of desk drawers, the bottom of file cabinets, closets, and dresser drawers.

28. An eavesdropper sends you a copy of your private conversations.

As simple as it seems this is the strongest indicator, and solid proof of eavesdropping. An eavesdropper will sometimes send a victim a copy of a private conversation they intercepted in an attempt at blackmail, or in an attempt to terrorize, or to just stalk the victim. This is commonly seen in civil lawsuits, criminal court cases, marital problems, shareholder disputes, custody battles, and other situations were one side has a position of weakness and is trying to physiologically undermine their opponent.

When contacting please remember not to call from any suspect area, do not use your cellular telephone, do not use your cordless phone, and do not use any suspect telephone (instead call from a sterile phone somewhere outside the suspect area).

Who Gets Bugged?

High Threat Business Situations

* Your company has stock, which is publicly traded (or will be soon) * Your company is having labor problems, union activities, or negotiations * Your company is involved in any type of litigation or lawsuit * Your company has layoffs pending (or they have just happened) * Your company is involved in the fashion, automotive, advertising, or marketing industry

Anyone can be the target of covert eavesdropping, however; some people are under greater risk than others because of financial position, occupation, legal, or domestic situation.

* Spouses bug each other on a regular basis
* Parents bug children
* Businessmen bug other businessmen
* Scientists bug other scientists
* Students bug professors
* Attorneys bug other attorneys (and their clients)
* Insurance companies bug accident victims, and other claimants
* Construction companies bug other construction companies
* Salesmen bug clients
* Collection agencies bug debtors
* Police officers bug suspects
* Executive recruiters bug personnel directors
* Rock fans bug rock musicians
* Department stores bug customers and merchandise

The Neighbors, Coworkers, Friends, Enemies, Strangers, Your Spouse, Industrial Spies, Government Agents, Your Insurance Company, Your Boss...

High Threat Personal Situations (When to be seriously concerned)

You (or someone close to you) have been:

* Involved in any type of litigation or lawsuit
* Been questioned, arrested or arraigned by the police
* In the process of getting married, divorced, or separated
* A minister or religious leader (ie: priest, rabbi, deacon, bishop, elder...)
* Running for any type of elected public office
* Elected to any public office (ie: mayor, selectman, school principal)
* Executive or scientist at any large company
* Recently filed a insurance claim
* Engaging in political demonstrations or activism
* Employed by a defense contractor, Department of Energy, etc...
* Private Investigators have been "poking" around
* You are in the upper income bracket

Keep in mind that anybody with Money, Power, Influence, or access to sensitive, classified, or personal information is at serious personal risk.

On a related note: If you work (or have worked) for any kind of military, governmental, law enforcement or judicial agency the possibility of you being targeted for eavesdropping is very high. Such eavesdropping can come from either side of the law, and is rarely legal or court sanctioned.

Additionally, people married to, associated with, divorced from, getting divorced from, dating, or getting intimate with a member of law enforcement, private security, PI, or any level of the judicial system should be concerned about illegal eavesdropping (yes, cops love to bug their wives and girlfriends).

High Threat Occupations

* Attorney
* Doctor
* Chiropractor
* Dentist
* Architect
* Police Officer
* Court Clerk
* Judge
* Elected to any public office
* Mayor
* Selectman
* School Principal
* College Professor
* Product Engineer
* Software Developer
* Executive at any large company
* Scientist at any large company
* Employed by any defense contractor
* Employed by the Department of Energy
* Any minister or religious leader (ie: deacon, bishop, elder...)
* Corporate Buyer or Purchasing Agent
* Employee of a Construction Contractor
* Any type Sales or Marketing
* Labor or Union Official
* Fashion
* Advertising
* Personnel Directors

According the FBI the following types of businesses are under EXTREME risk and are popular targets of illegal bugging, wiretapping, and similar surveillance:

* Materials: Materials synthesis and processing
* Electronic and photonic materials
* Ceramics
* Composites
* High-performance metals and alloys

* Flexible computer-integrated manufacturing
* Intelligence processing equipment
* Micro- and nanofabrication
* Systems management technologies

Information and Communications:
* Software
* Micro and optoelectronics
* High-performance computing and networking
* High-definition imaging and displays
* Sensors and signal processing
* Data storage and peripherals
* Computer simulation and modeling

Biotechnology and Life Sciences:
* Applied molecular biology
* Computational Chemistry
* Medical technology

* Aeronautics
* Surface transportation technologies

Energy and Environment:
* Energy technologies
* Pollution minimization, remediation, and waste management
Are you a potential target?

1. If eavesdropping on anything you say, write, or do could increase someone else's wealth or influence, then the answer is yes, you are a potential target.

2. Others know your confidential business or professional trade secrets.

This is the most obvious indicator of covert eavesdropping activities. Theft of confidential information is a multi-billion dollar underground industry in the United States. Often the loss of your secrets will show up in very subtle ways so you should always trust your instincts in this matter. When your competitors, associates or co-workers know things that are obviously private, or the media finds out about things they should not know, then it is reasonable to suspect technical eavesdropping or bugging.

3. Secret meetings and bids seem to be less than secret.

Confidential meetings and bids are very popular targets for corporate spies. How would you like the plans for the corporate takeovers you're planning to become public knowledge? Would copies of your product designs be of any use to your competitors? Would it be beneficial for your competitors to know how much you're quoting for the same project?

4. People seem to know your activities when they shouldn't.

5. You have noticed strange sounds or volume changes on your phone lines.

This is commonly caused by an amateur eavesdropper when they attach a wiretap, or activate a similar listening device. Surveillance devices often cause slight anomalies on the telephone line such as volume shift or drop-out. Professional eavesdroppers and their equipment usually do not make such noises; so if this is going on it could indicate that an amateur eavesdropper is listening in. On the other hand you could simply be experiencing a flaw in the line, but you should check it out.

6. You have noticed static, popping, or scratching on your phone lines.

This is caused by the capacitive discharge which occurs when two conductors are connected together (such as a bug or wiretap on a phone line). This is also a sign that an amateur eavesdropper or poorly trained spy is playing with your phone lines. It could be nothing more then a problem with your phone line or instrument. However, it should be checked out by using one of our RF Detectors.

7. Sounds are coming from your phones handset when it's hung up.

This is often caused by a hook switch bypass, which turns the telephone receiver into an eavesdropping microphone (and also a speaker). There is probably somebody listening to everything you say or do within twenty feet of the telephone (if this is happening).

8. Your phone often rings and nobody is there, or a very faint tone, or high-pitched squeal/beep is heard for a fraction of a second.

This is an indicator of a slave device, or line extender being used on your phone line. This is also a key indicator of a harmonica bug, or infinity transmitter being used. Of course it may also be nothing more then a fax machine or modem calling the wrong number. However, using one of our Telephone Line Analyzers. should check it out.

9. You can hear a tone on your line when your phone is on the hook (by using an external amplifier). Contact us!

10. Your AM/FM radio has suddenly developed strange interference.

Many amateur and spy shop eavesdropping devices use frequencies within or just outside the FM radio band, these signals tend to drift and will "quiet" an FM radio in the vicinity of the bug. Look for the transmissions at far ends of the FM radio band, and at any quiet area within the FM band. If the radio begins to squeal then slowly move it around the room until the sound become very high pitched. This is referred to as feedback detection or loop detection and will often locate the bug. The "stereo" function should be turned off so the radio is operating in "mono" as this will provide a serious increase in sensitivity. If you find a "squealer" in this manner then immediately Contact us!

11. Your car radio suddenly starts "getting weird"

Keep in mind that the antenna your car radio uses may be (and often is) exploited by an eavesdropper, and that such usage may interfere with radio reception (so be concerned if your automobile radio suddenly starts getting weird).

12. Your television has suddenly developed strange interference.

Television broadcast frequencies are often used to cloak a eavesdropping signal, but such devices also tend to interfere with television reception (usually a UHF channel). Televisions also "suck in" a lot of RF energy and because of this are very sensitive to any nearby transmitters (this is technically called "Bandwidth, and TV signals use a lot of it). Contact us! asap!

13. You have been the victim of a burglary, but nothing was taken.

Professional eavesdroppers often break into a targets home or office, and very rarely leave direct evidence of the break-in; however, occupants of the premises will often "pickup on something not being right" such as the furniture being moved slightly.

14. Electrical wall plates appear to have been moved slightly or "jarred".

One of the most popular locations to hide eavesdropping devices is inside, or behind electrical outlets, switches, smoke alarms, and lighting fixtures. This requires that the wall plates be removed. Look for small amounts of debris located on the floor directly below the electrical outlet. Also, watch for slight variations in the color or appearance of the power outlets and/or light switches as these are often swapped out by an eavesdropper. Also note if any of the screws which hold the wallplate against the wall have been moved from their previous position.

15. A dime-sized discoloration has suddenly appeared on the wall or ceiling.

This is a tell tale sign that a pinhole microphone or small covert video camera has been recently installed.

16. One of your vendors just gave you any type of electronic device such as a desk radio, alarm clock, lamp, small TV, boom box, CD player, and so on.

Many of these "gifts" are actually Trojan horses which contain eavesdropping devices. Be very suspicious of any kind of pen, marker, briefcase, calculator, "post-it" dispenser, power adapter, pager, cell phone, cordless phone, clock, radio, lamp, and so on that is given as a gift. That little gift the salesman left for you may be a serious hazard.

17. A small bump or deformation has appeared on the vinyl baseboard near the floor.

Strong indicator that someone may have concealed covert wiring or a microphone imbedded into the adhesive which holds the molding to the wall. Such deformation will often appear as a color shift, or lightening of the color.

18. The smoke detector, clock, lamp, or exit sign in your office or home looks slightly crooked, has a small hole in the surface, or has a quasi-reflective surface.

These items are very popular concealment for covert eavesdropping devices. Often when these devices are installed at a target location they are rarely installed without small tale-tale clues.

19. Certain types of items have "just appeared" in your office or home, but nobody seems to know how they got there. Typical items to watch for and be aware of are: clocks, exit signs, sprinkler heads, radios, picture frames, and lamps.

20. White dry-wall dust or debris is noticed on the floor next to the wall.

A sign that a pinhole microphone or video camera may have been installed nearby. It will appear as if someone has dropped a small amount of powdered sugar either on the floor, or on the wall.

21. You notice small pieces of ceiling tiles, or "grit" on the floor, or on the surface area of your desk. Also, you may observe a cracked, chipped, or gouged ceiling tiles, or ones that are sagging, or not properly set into the track.

Prime indicator that a ceiling tile has been moved around, and that someone may have installed a hidden video camera or other eavesdropping device in your office or near your desk. Also watch for cracks or chips in the ceiling tiles. Amateur and poorly trained spies tend to crack or damage acoustical tiles. The ceiling tiles in any executive areas should never contain any cracks, nicks, gouges, or stains. Any ceiling tile that becomes damaged (for what ever reason) should immediately be replaced and the cause of the damage documented.

22. You notice that "Phone Company" trucks and utilities workers are spending a lot of time near your home or office doing repair work.

If you see the same or similar vehicles more then three times then you may have a serious problem (at least according to the U.S. State Department training course on counter surveillance).

23. Telephone, cable, plumbing, or air conditioning repair people show up to do work when no one called them.

A very common ruse which eavesdroppers use to get into a facility is to fake a utility outage, and then show up to fix the problem. While they are fixing "the problem" they are also installing eavesdropping devices. Some of the more popular outages involve power, air conditioning, telephone, and even the occasional false fire alarm.

24. Service or delivery trucks are often parked nearby with nobody (you can see) in them.

These vehicles are commonly used as listening posts, be very cautious of any vehicle, which has a ladder or pipe rack on the roof. Also, be wary of any vehicle, which has tinted windows, or an area, which you cannot see though (like a service van). The listening post vehicle could be any vehicle from a small Geo Tracker, Suburban, Blazer, Trooper, or Cargo Van. Look for any vehicle, which could conceal a person in the back or has tinted windows. Also, keep in mind that the eavesdropper may relocate the vehicle several times, so look around. Typically, eavesdroppers like to get within 500-750 feet from the place or person they are eavesdropping on.

25. Your door locks suddenly don't "feel right", they suddenly start to get "sticky", or they completely fail.

Prime evidence that the lock has been picked, manipulated, or bypassed. Try to always use biaxial locks with sidebars (such as ASSA or Medeco). Also, only use double sided deadbolts in all doors, and good quality window bars on all windows, and a good quality door bar on all doors not used as a primary entry doors.

26. Furniture has been moved slightly, and no one knows why.

A very popular location for the installation of eavesdropping device is either behind, or inside furniture (couch, chair, lamp, etc.) People who live or work in a targeted area tend to notice when furnishings have been moved even a fraction of an inch. Pay close attention to the imprint which furniture makes on rugs, and the position of lamps shades. Also watch the distance between furniture and the wall as eavesdroppers are usually in a hurry and rarely put the furniture back in the right place.

27. Things "seem" to have been rummaged through, but nothing is missing (at least that you noticed).

A "less than professional spy" will often rummage through a targets home for hours, but very rarely will they do it in a neat and orderly fashion. The most common "rummaging" targets are the backs of desk drawers, the bottom of file cabinets, closets, and dresser drawers.

28. An eavesdropper sends you a copy of your private conversations.

As simple as it seems this is the strongest indicator, and solid proof of eavesdropping. An eavesdropper will sometimes send a victim a copy of a private conversation they intercepted in an attempt at blackmail, or in an attempt to terrorize, or to just stalk the victim. This is commonly seen in civil lawsuits, criminal court cases, marital problems, shareholder disputes, custody battles, and other situations were one side has a position of weakness and is trying to physiologically undermine their opponent.

When contacting please remember not to call from any suspect area, do not use your cellular telephone, do not use your cordless phone, and do not use any suspect telephone (instead call from a sterile phone somewhere outside the suspect area).

Who Gets Bugged?

High Threat Business Situations

* Your company has stock, which is publicly traded (or will be soon) * Your company is having labor problems, union activities, or negotiations * Your company is involved in any type of litigation or lawsuit * Your company has layoffs pending (or they have just happened) * Your company is involved in the fashion, automotive, advertising, or marketing industry

Anyone can be the target of covert eavesdropping, however; some people are under greater risk than others because of financial position, occupation, legal, or domestic situation.

* Spouses bug each other on a regular basis
* Parents bug children
* Businessmen bug other businessmen
* Scientists bug other scientists
* Students bug professors
* Attorneys bug other attorneys (and their clients)
* Insurance companies bug accident victims, and other claimants
* Construction companies bug other construction companies
* Salesmen bug clients
* Collection agencies bug debtors
* Police officers bug suspects
* Executive recruiters bug personnel directors
* Rock fans bug rock musicians
* Department stores bug customers and merchandise

The Neighbors, Coworkers, Friends, Enemies, Strangers, Your Spouse, Industrial Spies, Government Agents, Your Insurance Company, Your Boss...

High Threat Personal Situations (When to be seriously concerned)

You (or someone close to you) have been:

* Involved in any type of litigation or lawsuit
* Been questioned, arrested or arraigned by the police
* In the process of getting married, divorced, or separated
* A minister or religious leader (ie: priest, rabbi, deacon, bishop, elder...)
* Running for any type of elected public office
* Elected to any public office (ie: mayor, selectman, school principal)
* Executive or scientist at any large company
* Recently filed a insurance claim
* Engaging in political demonstrations or activism
* Employed by a defense contractor, Department of Energy, etc...
* Private Investigators have been "poking" around
* You are in the upper income bracket

Keep in mind that anybody with Money, Power, Influence, or access to sensitive, classified, or personal information is at serious personal risk.

On a related note: If you work (or have worked) for any kind of military, governmental, law enforcement or judicial agency the possibility of you being targeted for eavesdropping is very high. Such eavesdropping can come from either side of the law, and is rarely legal or court sanctioned.

Additionally, people married to, associated with, divorced from, getting divorced from, dating, or getting intimate with a member of law enforcement, private security, PI, or any level of the judicial system should be concerned about illegal eavesdropping (yes, cops love to bug their wives and girlfriends).

High Threat Occupations

* Attorney
* Doctor
* Chiropractor
* Dentist
* Architect
* Police Officer
* Court Clerk
* Judge
* Elected to any public office
* Mayor
* Selectman
* School Principal
* College Professor
* Product Engineer
* Software Developer
* Executive at any large company
* Scientist at any large company
* Employed by any defense contractor
* Employed by the Department of Energy
* Any minister or religious leader (ie: deacon, bishop, elder...)
* Corporate Buyer or Purchasing Agent
* Employee of a Construction Contractor
* Any type Sales or Marketing
* Labor or Union Official
* Fashion
* Advertising
* Personnel Directors

According the FBI the following types of businesses are under EXTREME risk and are popular targets of illegal bugging, wiretapping, and similar surveillance:

* Materials: Materials synthesis and processing
* Electronic and photonic materials
* Ceramics
* Composites
* High-performance metals and alloys

* Flexible computer-integrated manufacturing
* Intelligence processing equipment
* Micro- and nanofabrication
* Systems management technologies

Information and Communications:
* Software
* Micro and optoelectronics
* High-performance computing and networking
* High-definition imaging and displays
* Sensors and signal processing
* Data storage and peripherals
* Computer simulation and modeling

Biotechnology and Life Sciences:
* Applied molecular biology
* Computational Chemistry
* Medical technology

* Aeronautics
* Surface transportation technologies

Energy and Environment:
* Energy technologies
* Pollution minimization, remediation, and waste management

Attention Small Business Owners You Can Save Money

Did you know that you could save money at home businesses by spending time to research your tax deductions?

Sure, you can keep what you earn without giving the IRS a penny. You have alternatives for home office deductions, start-up fees, travel, motor vehicles, meals, entertainment, and so much more.

The first thing you need to do to save money is to keep accurate records of your inventory and other business records. Take time to describe your assets, and jot down how you bought your property. Take time to insert dates of services and placement as well as other details, since you will need these records come tax day to save money.

You have a tax cut on space in your home. A certain amount of area in your home is a write off. I think about 6' by nine unless you have a larger home business.

You can save money on business expense. Keep all your records and receipts on paper you buy, computers you invest in, or any other business necessities you may. You can even write off printers, fax machines, computers, or other losses that apply to your business.

You can also receive child allowances. If you have children and work at home, you can receive up to $1500 back from the IRS. Learn how and talk with your tax accountancy to see if you are eligible.

When you travel for business jot down how much money you spend in gas. Write in wear and tear of your vehicle and meals. You can get money back from the IRS, providing your travel and meals are for business purposes only.

If you have a business computer do not use it for anything other than business. The IRS will pay you back 100% if you use the machine for business owner. Buy a personal home computer for game player, etc.

You can get money back for phone expenses, fax expenses, bank fees, and utilities and can get money back for paying your rent. If you pay rent, keep your receipts so that you get a couple hundred returns.

You can save money on entertainment. In addition, you can save money on listed property, intangible assets, depreciation items, repairs, home improvement, real property, computer software, and more.

To save money and learn how you can save cash rather than giving it to the IRS, visit your library and check out the books that guide you to saving money.
Did you know that you could save money at home businesses by spending time to research your tax deductions?

Sure, you can keep what you earn without giving the IRS a penny. You have alternatives for home office deductions, start-up fees, travel, motor vehicles, meals, entertainment, and so much more.

The first thing you need to do to save money is to keep accurate records of your inventory and other business records. Take time to describe your assets, and jot down how you bought your property. Take time to insert dates of services and placement as well as other details, since you will need these records come tax day to save money.

You have a tax cut on space in your home. A certain amount of area in your home is a write off. I think about 6' by nine unless you have a larger home business.

You can save money on business expense. Keep all your records and receipts on paper you buy, computers you invest in, or any other business necessities you may. You can even write off printers, fax machines, computers, or other losses that apply to your business.

You can also receive child allowances. If you have children and work at home, you can receive up to $1500 back from the IRS. Learn how and talk with your tax accountancy to see if you are eligible.

When you travel for business jot down how much money you spend in gas. Write in wear and tear of your vehicle and meals. You can get money back from the IRS, providing your travel and meals are for business purposes only.

If you have a business computer do not use it for anything other than business. The IRS will pay you back 100% if you use the machine for business owner. Buy a personal home computer for game player, etc.

You can get money back for phone expenses, fax expenses, bank fees, and utilities and can get money back for paying your rent. If you pay rent, keep your receipts so that you get a couple hundred returns.

You can save money on entertainment. In addition, you can save money on listed property, intangible assets, depreciation items, repairs, home improvement, real property, computer software, and more.

To save money and learn how you can save cash rather than giving it to the IRS, visit your library and check out the books that guide you to saving money.

Opening A Dollar Store - It Is About Priority Setting

One of the biggest challenges that every small retailer who is opening a dollar store faces is having the time to complete the millions of little things that must be done each day. Many of the tasks include must-do items that are required just to keep the store(s) open and operating. Smaller retailers must remain involved in almost all aspects of the business. They simply cannot afford to hire employees to handle those duties.

There are bank deposits to make. Previous day receipts need to be counted and new cash register set-ups assembled. There is merchandise to receive and price. There are new orders to be written and forwarded. New displays need to be completed. Store signage needs to be updated. Sales and promotions need to be developed. Then there is the last minute phone call from an employee who will not be coming in to work!

With an often over whelming amount of work to be done, and a limited amount of time to complete that work, effective small business owners who are opening a dollar store must master the art of priority setting. Prioritization of tasks will insure that critical tasks for business operation are completed first. Less important tasks will remain incomplete and carryover to a time when they can be completed.

Retail tasks prioritization can quickly be completed when a set of criteria is identified. For example, the highest priority tasks might be those associated with daily store operations. In this group tasks such as cash register set-up, store cleanup and preparation for opening, daily scheduling of employees, actually opening the store, and others will be included.

The next level might be tasks associated with customer service. That might be followed by merchandising and stock work, and on down the line. All retailers who are opening a dollar store will have a little different perspective on what the right priorities for their store.

By prioritizing tasks in this manner the retailer who is opening a dollar store can be sure that the most important tasks always are completed first. By following this process, tasks that are left incomplete will have less impact on the successful operation of your business. Give prioritization a try.

To Your Retail Success!
One of the biggest challenges that every small retailer who is opening a dollar store faces is having the time to complete the millions of little things that must be done each day. Many of the tasks include must-do items that are required just to keep the store(s) open and operating. Smaller retailers must remain involved in almost all aspects of the business. They simply cannot afford to hire employees to handle those duties.

There are bank deposits to make. Previous day receipts need to be counted and new cash register set-ups assembled. There is merchandise to receive and price. There are new orders to be written and forwarded. New displays need to be completed. Store signage needs to be updated. Sales and promotions need to be developed. Then there is the last minute phone call from an employee who will not be coming in to work!

With an often over whelming amount of work to be done, and a limited amount of time to complete that work, effective small business owners who are opening a dollar store must master the art of priority setting. Prioritization of tasks will insure that critical tasks for business operation are completed first. Less important tasks will remain incomplete and carryover to a time when they can be completed.

Retail tasks prioritization can quickly be completed when a set of criteria is identified. For example, the highest priority tasks might be those associated with daily store operations. In this group tasks such as cash register set-up, store cleanup and preparation for opening, daily scheduling of employees, actually opening the store, and others will be included.

The next level might be tasks associated with customer service. That might be followed by merchandising and stock work, and on down the line. All retailers who are opening a dollar store will have a little different perspective on what the right priorities for their store.

By prioritizing tasks in this manner the retailer who is opening a dollar store can be sure that the most important tasks always are completed first. By following this process, tasks that are left incomplete will have less impact on the successful operation of your business. Give prioritization a try.

To Your Retail Success!

How Services Market Place Helps You Build Your Small Business

With the evolution of technology especially video in the internet there are many new business models emerging in the internet. Services market places are very smartly using this video platform to promote this new business model. Like how Borat used you-tube to market itself, services market places are using video in a completely different way to promote themselves creating a win win situation for both service providers and service seekers.

As E-bay is for items, iGanit is for services. iGanit is an online auction market place primarily for services businesses. Consumers who need services can post their need for a specific service. Small business organizations(SBOs) that provide services can bid or offer quote and win consumers' business.

Big corporations that offer certain services use TV advertising to invite consumer attention and get business. But do they deliver on what they promise?, everything sounds very rosy in the advertisement but when it comes to reality it is a different story. But there are SBOs who do a great job but do not get the attention they deserve. And SBOs don't have that advantage of advertising instead have to use word of mouth to invite consumers' attention and get more business. iGanit is primarily aimed at creating a level creating a level playing field by helping SBOs get more business using an internet based feedback rating system and consumers get the best bang for their buck and hence creating a win win situation for both the consumers and SBO. By the same token SBOs do not have huge expense for TV advertising and hence can pass those savings to the consumers.

As any sales man knows, nothing is more powerful than a good referral by a satisfied customer. iGanit helps SBOs to record those referrals @ and use those referrals as a tool to win more business. The more referrals an SBO gets, higher the SBO's feed back rating is, the more reputed the SBO is and hence more consumers want to do business with that SBO. iGanit predicts after looking at the evolution of online click and mortar industry that sell variety of products over the web, the same is going to happen for services industry. So for SBOs that want to make effective use of iGanit, iGanit recommends that SBOs' make iGanit their primary front office and invest as less in physical infrastructure like physical office and primarily drive their businesses from

Terminology Service Seekers: Consumers - Anybody who need services, for example Bob needs to get his house painted. His home is a two storey home of area about 2400 square feet. He would like to find a service provider that can do a good quality painting job on his home for a nominal fee. Bob is a service seeker

Service Providers: People who provide that service, For example all the home painting businesses in Bob's area

Service Need: The service that people need. Paint Bob's home is the Service need here

Bid: Fee charged by service provider under method 2(invite bids) - Fee charged by various painting businesses

Winning Bidder: Service provider with the lowest cost to execute the Service need - Peach Painting Company

Quote: Fee charged by service provider under method 1(invite quotes) Fee charged by various home painting businesses

SBO: Small Business Organization

Detailed Description with an Example Bob can process his Service need in two different methods @ iGanit.

Method1-Invite Quotes - In this above example Bob visits, registers @, pays a small listing fee and posts his service need explaining the service need in detail if necessary including photographs of his home. He also mentions any terms such as pay only by credit card and he also mentions a deadline - end date and time before which all the quotes need to be submitted. Various service providers look at this listing and offer bids/quotes to complete this service need Bob gets quotes from service providers, various home painting businesses. Bob also can see the rating of service providers. Based on the two factors Bob chooses the best service provider and does business with them.In method 1 quotes offered by various service providers are visible only to Bob, the service providers cannot see each others quote.

Method2-Invite Bids - In the above example Bob visits, registers with Then Bob posts his service need explaining the service need in detail if necessary including photographs of his home. He also mentions any terms such as pay only by credit card and most importantly a deadline - end date and time before which all the bids need to be submitted. iGanit charges a fee to Bob as soon as a single bid is placed for the service need. Bob gets bids from service providers various painting businesses. The bidder with the lowest value wins the service need and Bob does business with the lowest bidder. In method2 the bids offered by various service providers are visible to other service providers and Bob. This will create competition among the service providers to win Bob's business hence the service providers will lower the price to win Bob s business resulting in Bob getting the best deal. Feedback Rating. Let us say Peach painting Company (PPC) won Bob's business and PPC paints Bob's home. Bob is very happy with the job that PPC did and hence Bob leaves an excellent rating for PPC in the website Later consumers can look at PPC's rating and may decide to do business with PPC even though PPC's quote may be higher.

Directory of Service Providers - Service providers can also get registered and opt to receive e-mails whenever a new service need is posted in their category of business. PLC's competitor Roswell Painting Company (RPC) heard about this PPC's business with Bob and can register with iGanit to get notifications as soon as a Home painting service need or any other home related service need is posted so that RLC can also bid/offer quote to win business with consumers like Bob.
With the evolution of technology especially video in the internet there are many new business models emerging in the internet. Services market places are very smartly using this video platform to promote this new business model. Like how Borat used you-tube to market itself, services market places are using video in a completely different way to promote themselves creating a win win situation for both service providers and service seekers.

As E-bay is for items, iGanit is for services. iGanit is an online auction market place primarily for services businesses. Consumers who need services can post their need for a specific service. Small business organizations(SBOs) that provide services can bid or offer quote and win consumers' business.

Big corporations that offer certain services use TV advertising to invite consumer attention and get business. But do they deliver on what they promise?, everything sounds very rosy in the advertisement but when it comes to reality it is a different story. But there are SBOs who do a great job but do not get the attention they deserve. And SBOs don't have that advantage of advertising instead have to use word of mouth to invite consumers' attention and get more business. iGanit is primarily aimed at creating a level creating a level playing field by helping SBOs get more business using an internet based feedback rating system and consumers get the best bang for their buck and hence creating a win win situation for both the consumers and SBO. By the same token SBOs do not have huge expense for TV advertising and hence can pass those savings to the consumers.

As any sales man knows, nothing is more powerful than a good referral by a satisfied customer. iGanit helps SBOs to record those referrals @ and use those referrals as a tool to win more business. The more referrals an SBO gets, higher the SBO's feed back rating is, the more reputed the SBO is and hence more consumers want to do business with that SBO. iGanit predicts after looking at the evolution of online click and mortar industry that sell variety of products over the web, the same is going to happen for services industry. So for SBOs that want to make effective use of iGanit, iGanit recommends that SBOs' make iGanit their primary front office and invest as less in physical infrastructure like physical office and primarily drive their businesses from

Terminology Service Seekers: Consumers - Anybody who need services, for example Bob needs to get his house painted. His home is a two storey home of area about 2400 square feet. He would like to find a service provider that can do a good quality painting job on his home for a nominal fee. Bob is a service seeker

Service Providers: People who provide that service, For example all the home painting businesses in Bob's area

Service Need: The service that people need. Paint Bob's home is the Service need here

Bid: Fee charged by service provider under method 2(invite bids) - Fee charged by various painting businesses

Winning Bidder: Service provider with the lowest cost to execute the Service need - Peach Painting Company

Quote: Fee charged by service provider under method 1(invite quotes) Fee charged by various home painting businesses

SBO: Small Business Organization

Detailed Description with an Example Bob can process his Service need in two different methods @ iGanit.

Method1-Invite Quotes - In this above example Bob visits, registers @, pays a small listing fee and posts his service need explaining the service need in detail if necessary including photographs of his home. He also mentions any terms such as pay only by credit card and he also mentions a deadline - end date and time before which all the quotes need to be submitted. Various service providers look at this listing and offer bids/quotes to complete this service need Bob gets quotes from service providers, various home painting businesses. Bob also can see the rating of service providers. Based on the two factors Bob chooses the best service provider and does business with them.In method 1 quotes offered by various service providers are visible only to Bob, the service providers cannot see each others quote.

Method2-Invite Bids - In the above example Bob visits, registers with Then Bob posts his service need explaining the service need in detail if necessary including photographs of his home. He also mentions any terms such as pay only by credit card and most importantly a deadline - end date and time before which all the bids need to be submitted. iGanit charges a fee to Bob as soon as a single bid is placed for the service need. Bob gets bids from service providers various painting businesses. The bidder with the lowest value wins the service need and Bob does business with the lowest bidder. In method2 the bids offered by various service providers are visible to other service providers and Bob. This will create competition among the service providers to win Bob's business hence the service providers will lower the price to win Bob s business resulting in Bob getting the best deal. Feedback Rating. Let us say Peach painting Company (PPC) won Bob's business and PPC paints Bob's home. Bob is very happy with the job that PPC did and hence Bob leaves an excellent rating for PPC in the website Later consumers can look at PPC's rating and may decide to do business with PPC even though PPC's quote may be higher.

Directory of Service Providers - Service providers can also get registered and opt to receive e-mails whenever a new service need is posted in their category of business. PLC's competitor Roswell Painting Company (RPC) heard about this PPC's business with Bob and can register with iGanit to get notifications as soon as a Home painting service need or any other home related service need is posted so that RLC can also bid/offer quote to win business with consumers like Bob.

Why You Can Get Paid to Take Free Surveys

Why is it possible to get paid for taking surveys? Many potential survey takers are wondering if it’s really possible to earn cash by just filling in questionnaires, while hundreds of thousands are already making dollars every day.

First, why at all bother to complete paid surveys? Many people don’t know yet that the paid surveys industry is rapidly expanding, recruiting more and more paid survey takers every day. The reason is that the marketing industry has acknowledged the importance of consumer voice in modeling the products and services of the future. As the needs of the individual are as closely as possibly embedded in the development of products, product feature and innovations, it’s getting more and more important to know what people like, dislike and dream about. Therefore, obtaining customer opinions through online surveys has become an extremely quick and effective way to gather customer response and use it for the development of new or existing products.

Companies of all scales – from small entrepreneurs and local brands, to company-wide merchants and offshore multinationals are now using the services of polling companies to get valuable customer feedback. Paid surveys have thus become an extremely powerful market research tool. Aided by the advancement of the Internet, paid surveys have gone online and reached every potential survey taker. To grad a paid survey, it’s only enough to have an Internet connection, and it’s almost certain that you can read about paid surveys in a pop-up add or through email from a friend. Paid surveys have become really popular with people from all walks of life, who prefer to spend a portion of their free time earning cash and prizes in a way that does not disturb their routine.

What do paid surveys really bring to survey takers? Opinions about the true earnings with paid surveys vary – some are more skeptical, whereas others tend to exaggerate to extents that are oftentimes misleading. However, the truth lies somewhere in between – it is really possible to make some additional cash with paid surveys, although it will be far from getting regular $150/h as some survey providers may advertise. Paid survey programs may differ in the particular cash/reward mix that they offer on a regular basis or for a particular paid survey. Moreover, payment varies according to the difficulty of the survey and the width of the target group. It’s true that everyone qualifies to take paid surveys, but in the same time not everyone qualifies for a particular survey. For instance, men are more unlikely to qualify for a lipstick or bra surveys. In other instances, only people of certain age or social groups will be the target audience. Many survey sites also offer rewards and non-cash incentives to join a particular survey. Vice versa, some survey sites offer additional cash incentives to members to complete particular surveys that themselves distribute awards and free merchandise.

To grip the essence of paid surveys and be able to maximize your earnings as a survey taker, it’s important to join as many survey sites as possible for free, and get acquainted with the different incentive models that paid survey companies incorporate. It’s very easy to earn with paid surveys, while surveys are fun and quick to complete
Why is it possible to get paid for taking surveys? Many potential survey takers are wondering if it’s really possible to earn cash by just filling in questionnaires, while hundreds of thousands are already making dollars every day.

First, why at all bother to complete paid surveys? Many people don’t know yet that the paid surveys industry is rapidly expanding, recruiting more and more paid survey takers every day. The reason is that the marketing industry has acknowledged the importance of consumer voice in modeling the products and services of the future. As the needs of the individual are as closely as possibly embedded in the development of products, product feature and innovations, it’s getting more and more important to know what people like, dislike and dream about. Therefore, obtaining customer opinions through online surveys has become an extremely quick and effective way to gather customer response and use it for the development of new or existing products.

Companies of all scales – from small entrepreneurs and local brands, to company-wide merchants and offshore multinationals are now using the services of polling companies to get valuable customer feedback. Paid surveys have thus become an extremely powerful market research tool. Aided by the advancement of the Internet, paid surveys have gone online and reached every potential survey taker. To grad a paid survey, it’s only enough to have an Internet connection, and it’s almost certain that you can read about paid surveys in a pop-up add or through email from a friend. Paid surveys have become really popular with people from all walks of life, who prefer to spend a portion of their free time earning cash and prizes in a way that does not disturb their routine.

What do paid surveys really bring to survey takers? Opinions about the true earnings with paid surveys vary – some are more skeptical, whereas others tend to exaggerate to extents that are oftentimes misleading. However, the truth lies somewhere in between – it is really possible to make some additional cash with paid surveys, although it will be far from getting regular $150/h as some survey providers may advertise. Paid survey programs may differ in the particular cash/reward mix that they offer on a regular basis or for a particular paid survey. Moreover, payment varies according to the difficulty of the survey and the width of the target group. It’s true that everyone qualifies to take paid surveys, but in the same time not everyone qualifies for a particular survey. For instance, men are more unlikely to qualify for a lipstick or bra surveys. In other instances, only people of certain age or social groups will be the target audience. Many survey sites also offer rewards and non-cash incentives to join a particular survey. Vice versa, some survey sites offer additional cash incentives to members to complete particular surveys that themselves distribute awards and free merchandise.

To grip the essence of paid surveys and be able to maximize your earnings as a survey taker, it’s important to join as many survey sites as possible for free, and get acquainted with the different incentive models that paid survey companies incorporate. It’s very easy to earn with paid surveys, while surveys are fun and quick to complete

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Legitimate Home Business - A Skeptic's Business Evaluation Guide

"Can the common man or woman achieve wealth with a home based business?" asks Greg Six, owner of The Six Group.

People are tired of outrageous claims of earning obnoxious dollars in a home business, only to find it is a very small amount of people that achieve those results.

Entrepreneur's have searched for years for a better way to make a phenomenal income, and preferably from the comfort of home while attaining the lifestyle that one always dreams of... you know, the one that your parents told you to go to college for and it would magically show up one day ("yeah right!").

There are people that I have personally met and worked with, who have created a significant multiple six figure income working from home using the internet as a marketing resource. So clearly it is possible. However, highly unlikely, unless you have a group of people that are compensated heavily to teach you their secrets.

The next issue... Why would they do that if they dont get paid to share their secrets with you? The reality is, if they are not compensated to to insure your success, they likely will not make themselves available for you, once they are successful. Why would they, if they have no financial compensation to do so.

Here is a link to a Free Business Evaluation Guide that contains the "secrets" that the Guru's will not tell you up front. Again, there are legitimate financial vehicles and business models to take you to your dreams, just be aware of the scams, and do your research.

We have all been promised so much when it comes to ‘work at home’ or ‘home based businesses’, yet many of these things rarely seem to work out as planned.

For the serious few, who are sick of not having the lifestyle, time or money and have felt that all they need is a real opportunity that works, and not a scheme, realize that its up to you and your savvy to sort out the cons from the gems. You can do it, I trust you will find this site to be an eye opener.

Check out and perhaps this information will assist you on your search for a balance of home based business and lifestyle.

There has to be a better way... doesn’t there?

Greg Six is the owner of the Six Group and has been an entrepreneur for 15 years. Motels, video store, Ice Cream Shop, and rental properties include some of the ventures to fill his resume. He spends his time with his wife and children and enjoys travel and assisting the average North American Joe & Jane, as they consider their options in the world of entrepreneurialism, an area that colleges and universities offer very little assistance. He has endured the pits of failure to reach the heights of success and enjoys using his experience to point others in the direction of their dreams.
"Can the common man or woman achieve wealth with a home based business?" asks Greg Six, owner of The Six Group.

People are tired of outrageous claims of earning obnoxious dollars in a home business, only to find it is a very small amount of people that achieve those results.

Entrepreneur's have searched for years for a better way to make a phenomenal income, and preferably from the comfort of home while attaining the lifestyle that one always dreams of... you know, the one that your parents told you to go to college for and it would magically show up one day ("yeah right!").

There are people that I have personally met and worked with, who have created a significant multiple six figure income working from home using the internet as a marketing resource. So clearly it is possible. However, highly unlikely, unless you have a group of people that are compensated heavily to teach you their secrets.

The next issue... Why would they do that if they dont get paid to share their secrets with you? The reality is, if they are not compensated to to insure your success, they likely will not make themselves available for you, once they are successful. Why would they, if they have no financial compensation to do so.

Here is a link to a Free Business Evaluation Guide that contains the "secrets" that the Guru's will not tell you up front. Again, there are legitimate financial vehicles and business models to take you to your dreams, just be aware of the scams, and do your research.

We have all been promised so much when it comes to ‘work at home’ or ‘home based businesses’, yet many of these things rarely seem to work out as planned.

For the serious few, who are sick of not having the lifestyle, time or money and have felt that all they need is a real opportunity that works, and not a scheme, realize that its up to you and your savvy to sort out the cons from the gems. You can do it, I trust you will find this site to be an eye opener.

Check out and perhaps this information will assist you on your search for a balance of home based business and lifestyle.

There has to be a better way... doesn’t there?

Greg Six is the owner of the Six Group and has been an entrepreneur for 15 years. Motels, video store, Ice Cream Shop, and rental properties include some of the ventures to fill his resume. He spends his time with his wife and children and enjoys travel and assisting the average North American Joe & Jane, as they consider their options in the world of entrepreneurialism, an area that colleges and universities offer very little assistance. He has endured the pits of failure to reach the heights of success and enjoys using his experience to point others in the direction of their dreams.

Steps To Finacial Freedom

Are you dreaming of being your own boss? I suggest that you stop dreaming and get into action. You never know what happens when you make that decision and go for it. People usually make excuses why they can’t do something, they never look at the things they can do. Why do we do this, always look at the negative. I have wondered myself about this, we sabotage our dreams all the time, without thinking what we are actually doing. It takes changing our thoughts and really that’s about it, when you change the way you think than a whole new world opens up to you. This is were others fail, they don’t like change and they want others to change around them or situations to change. It takes to much effort and they think that others are the problem for were they are right now. If you are really sick and tired of being where you are right now I will give you the steps to financial freedom

How to get started

Look for a company or product that you are passionate about. Then see if there is a demand for the product in the market place. Find out the start up costs and everything you need to start your new business adventure. In most cases you will have a mentor. But if you don’t find someone that you know who has been successful and find out how they have done it and pick their brains. The reasons for a mentor, they have been there before you and they know what you are going to go through and be able to keep you on track Don’t be mistaken by thinking that you don’t need a mentor, I can tell you that you do, they are very valuable and crucial to your success. When you start up your new adventure you have to think long term especially if you have not had a business before. There are going to be new skills that you have to learn and to be able to get out of your comfort zone. How much time will this take? Well that depends on you, how quickly you want to learn and follow instruction and be a good student. The more you read and listen to motivational cd’s, the more you will grow mentally and spiritually. You will become an attractive person and you will attract others to you.

How to set goals

Write down what you want out of your new business. Things like, what sort of house you would like to live in, what car you would like to drive, to be able to educate your children in private school or uni , these are just some ideas, you might have others. What ever they are make them real. Have pictures of your house, car, school or what ever it maybe, but don’t just pick any house, car, school or uni, have a picture of the one that you want and have it on the wall where you can see it everyday. The next thing is to get a box and dress it up like a gift box, and put inside a picture of a holiday you want to take. If you want a house cleaner, put a dusting rag in the box to represent a house leaner. You get the picture, what ever you want, put it in the box. This will start the process of them coming true. I know that this may sound strange but it does work. Then you will be marking them off every time you have achieved them. How cool would that be!

Work your plan of action

Now you have to work your plan of action. You do not want to delay this especially when you have just started and you are excited, allsorts of things can happen when you are in this frame of mind. Even if things don’t go according to plan, always think, what can I learn from this. Always keep a positive mind set and you will always be thinking forward. Always look at the end result like you are already there and how it would feel once you are there. If you take these steps then you will be on your way to financial freedom.
Are you dreaming of being your own boss? I suggest that you stop dreaming and get into action. You never know what happens when you make that decision and go for it. People usually make excuses why they can’t do something, they never look at the things they can do. Why do we do this, always look at the negative. I have wondered myself about this, we sabotage our dreams all the time, without thinking what we are actually doing. It takes changing our thoughts and really that’s about it, when you change the way you think than a whole new world opens up to you. This is were others fail, they don’t like change and they want others to change around them or situations to change. It takes to much effort and they think that others are the problem for were they are right now. If you are really sick and tired of being where you are right now I will give you the steps to financial freedom

How to get started

Look for a company or product that you are passionate about. Then see if there is a demand for the product in the market place. Find out the start up costs and everything you need to start your new business adventure. In most cases you will have a mentor. But if you don’t find someone that you know who has been successful and find out how they have done it and pick their brains. The reasons for a mentor, they have been there before you and they know what you are going to go through and be able to keep you on track Don’t be mistaken by thinking that you don’t need a mentor, I can tell you that you do, they are very valuable and crucial to your success. When you start up your new adventure you have to think long term especially if you have not had a business before. There are going to be new skills that you have to learn and to be able to get out of your comfort zone. How much time will this take? Well that depends on you, how quickly you want to learn and follow instruction and be a good student. The more you read and listen to motivational cd’s, the more you will grow mentally and spiritually. You will become an attractive person and you will attract others to you.

How to set goals

Write down what you want out of your new business. Things like, what sort of house you would like to live in, what car you would like to drive, to be able to educate your children in private school or uni , these are just some ideas, you might have others. What ever they are make them real. Have pictures of your house, car, school or what ever it maybe, but don’t just pick any house, car, school or uni, have a picture of the one that you want and have it on the wall where you can see it everyday. The next thing is to get a box and dress it up like a gift box, and put inside a picture of a holiday you want to take. If you want a house cleaner, put a dusting rag in the box to represent a house leaner. You get the picture, what ever you want, put it in the box. This will start the process of them coming true. I know that this may sound strange but it does work. Then you will be marking them off every time you have achieved them. How cool would that be!

Work your plan of action

Now you have to work your plan of action. You do not want to delay this especially when you have just started and you are excited, allsorts of things can happen when you are in this frame of mind. Even if things don’t go according to plan, always think, what can I learn from this. Always keep a positive mind set and you will always be thinking forward. Always look at the end result like you are already there and how it would feel once you are there. If you take these steps then you will be on your way to financial freedom.

Increase Your Business Luck

I recently read "The Luck Factor" (Dr. Richard Wiseman) which described scientifically studying luck. After three years of study, Dr. Wiseman determined that "Luck is something that can be learned". His research boiled down to four simple principles:

* Principle One: Maximize Chance Opportunities

In business, do you spend more time trying to sell your product than paying attention? Increase the number of people you interact with (not just the obvious business networking groups). Increase your relaxation. Listen more. Pay attention to what people are saying and doing.

* Principle Two: Listening to Lucky Hunches

If you know what the return on investment (ROI) is, the decision-making is easy ("black and white"). Unfortunately, many business decisions have incomplete information ("gray"). To be lucky in business, increase your "centered-ness" to build (and trust) your intuition.

* Principle Three: Expect Good Fortune

We create our own realities. If your expectation is an increase of sales, you'll be less affected by problems and focus on things that can produce good fortune. Others will sense your focus on the positive, and will react accordingly.

* Principle Four: Turn Bad Luck to Good

Big business opportunities come from fixing what's broken or missing, not from improving the status quo just a little bit. When something breaks, remember it could always be worse, and find the gift in the problem. Don't take the problem personally. Then fix it.
I recently read "The Luck Factor" (Dr. Richard Wiseman) which described scientifically studying luck. After three years of study, Dr. Wiseman determined that "Luck is something that can be learned". His research boiled down to four simple principles:

* Principle One: Maximize Chance Opportunities

In business, do you spend more time trying to sell your product than paying attention? Increase the number of people you interact with (not just the obvious business networking groups). Increase your relaxation. Listen more. Pay attention to what people are saying and doing.

* Principle Two: Listening to Lucky Hunches

If you know what the return on investment (ROI) is, the decision-making is easy ("black and white"). Unfortunately, many business decisions have incomplete information ("gray"). To be lucky in business, increase your "centered-ness" to build (and trust) your intuition.

* Principle Three: Expect Good Fortune

We create our own realities. If your expectation is an increase of sales, you'll be less affected by problems and focus on things that can produce good fortune. Others will sense your focus on the positive, and will react accordingly.

* Principle Four: Turn Bad Luck to Good

Big business opportunities come from fixing what's broken or missing, not from improving the status quo just a little bit. When something breaks, remember it could always be worse, and find the gift in the problem. Don't take the problem personally. Then fix it.

Marketing 102

You've crafted your marketing message (customer benefit, customer trust, and customer emotional connection). What now?

If you already have a customer base, tell them (email, postal mail, phone calls, etc.).

If you want more customers, try co-marketing or cross-marketing.

Co-marketing is working together with another company to market your products. Generally co-marketed products have a "fit".

Cross-marketing is a type of co-marketing where the products are loosely related. The relationship can be a simple, "Now that you bought a hamburger, would you like fries with that?". Sometimes it'll take a bit of sleuthing to find out what your group has in common - A club affiliation? A love of art? Restaurant? A Hobby? A type of car?

Let's continue (from Marketing 101) our example of Janet, who makes earrings.

Janet could join together with some of her fellow jewelry makers and offer a jewelry show. In addition to advertising the show publicly, each jewelry maker would invite their customers. [co-marketing]

Janet realizes that a number of her customers do yoga. She approaches the local yoga studio, offering to make a beautiful display of her earrings. With the display is her contact information (on flyers for people to take home). In exchange, Janet offers to display the studio's yoga brochures at her events (or on her website). [cross-marketing]

Both of these techniques require cooperation from other companies. When approaching others, highlight the mutual benefits. Later on, ensure follow-through. Proactively tell your co-marketing partners what you've done.
You've crafted your marketing message (customer benefit, customer trust, and customer emotional connection). What now?

If you already have a customer base, tell them (email, postal mail, phone calls, etc.).

If you want more customers, try co-marketing or cross-marketing.

Co-marketing is working together with another company to market your products. Generally co-marketed products have a "fit".

Cross-marketing is a type of co-marketing where the products are loosely related. The relationship can be a simple, "Now that you bought a hamburger, would you like fries with that?". Sometimes it'll take a bit of sleuthing to find out what your group has in common - A club affiliation? A love of art? Restaurant? A Hobby? A type of car?

Let's continue (from Marketing 101) our example of Janet, who makes earrings.

Janet could join together with some of her fellow jewelry makers and offer a jewelry show. In addition to advertising the show publicly, each jewelry maker would invite their customers. [co-marketing]

Janet realizes that a number of her customers do yoga. She approaches the local yoga studio, offering to make a beautiful display of her earrings. With the display is her contact information (on flyers for people to take home). In exchange, Janet offers to display the studio's yoga brochures at her events (or on her website). [cross-marketing]

Both of these techniques require cooperation from other companies. When approaching others, highlight the mutual benefits. Later on, ensure follow-through. Proactively tell your co-marketing partners what you've done.

Basics To Starting A Home Based Business

Starting a home based business is on the mind of millions. Working for yourself rather than making money for the other guy is the American dream. Before starting a home based business, there some basics you need to consider.

1. Zoning: You need to contact your county zoning department. If your area is zoned for home based business use then you are in the clear. If not, you may have a tough road ahead. You would have to petition to the board of your zoning county to have your area rezoned. This is easier said than done. Not only would you have to prepare an excellent business plan, but you would also have to prove that the increased traffic would not pose a problem to your neighbors.

2. License: If you are selling products for profit you will need to apply for a seller's permit through your state's department of revenue. There is usually a small fee to apply, and each year or every two years you will be required to pay a renewal fee. Also, you may need other licenses pertaining to what kind of business you are starting. For example, if you are starting a live bait store, you would need a permit from your department of natural resources to have live bait on hand. Check into these license carefully. Checking into a tax id number is also highly recommended and easy to do. You can go right to the IRS web site and apply online.

3. Wholesalers and Inventory: If you plan to resell products, you will want to consider finding wholesalers within your state. The shipping alone will cut into your profits a great deal if you are shipping from far away places. You can do a google search on your specific product and see what you come up with. If there are no wholesalers within your state, be careful with choosing one online. Be sure to fully investigate them before giving up your money. Small businesses have a hard enough time turning a profit without paying for information that will do your business no good. Also, there are many scam wholesaler lists found on the Internet, these are usually outdated and simply consist of telephone book entries. Never pay for a list. Visit various forums and informational sites to find reputable wholesalers.

4. Advertising: There are several ways to advertise your new business, setting up a web site, advertising in your local newspapers, contacting your area Chamber Of Commerce are all ways to get your businesses noticed and out there.

These are just the basics of starting a home based business. There are so many more important points to get yourself going and noticed. We wish you the best of luck with your adventure. Remember, starting a home based business is the American dream, and is well worth the effort to start it right.
Starting a home based business is on the mind of millions. Working for yourself rather than making money for the other guy is the American dream. Before starting a home based business, there some basics you need to consider.

1. Zoning: You need to contact your county zoning department. If your area is zoned for home based business use then you are in the clear. If not, you may have a tough road ahead. You would have to petition to the board of your zoning county to have your area rezoned. This is easier said than done. Not only would you have to prepare an excellent business plan, but you would also have to prove that the increased traffic would not pose a problem to your neighbors.

2. License: If you are selling products for profit you will need to apply for a seller's permit through your state's department of revenue. There is usually a small fee to apply, and each year or every two years you will be required to pay a renewal fee. Also, you may need other licenses pertaining to what kind of business you are starting. For example, if you are starting a live bait store, you would need a permit from your department of natural resources to have live bait on hand. Check into these license carefully. Checking into a tax id number is also highly recommended and easy to do. You can go right to the IRS web site and apply online.

3. Wholesalers and Inventory: If you plan to resell products, you will want to consider finding wholesalers within your state. The shipping alone will cut into your profits a great deal if you are shipping from far away places. You can do a google search on your specific product and see what you come up with. If there are no wholesalers within your state, be careful with choosing one online. Be sure to fully investigate them before giving up your money. Small businesses have a hard enough time turning a profit without paying for information that will do your business no good. Also, there are many scam wholesaler lists found on the Internet, these are usually outdated and simply consist of telephone book entries. Never pay for a list. Visit various forums and informational sites to find reputable wholesalers.

4. Advertising: There are several ways to advertise your new business, setting up a web site, advertising in your local newspapers, contacting your area Chamber Of Commerce are all ways to get your businesses noticed and out there.

These are just the basics of starting a home based business. There are so many more important points to get yourself going and noticed. We wish you the best of luck with your adventure. Remember, starting a home based business is the American dream, and is well worth the effort to start it right.